"This book is truly a gift to our day...With the flair of Suess, McGoon has captured words and imagery that will carry for a lifetime
- Darleen Wohlfeil (Story Monsters Ink Magazine)
Featured in the May 2017 Edition of
Story Monster Ink Magazine

Story Monsters Ink

By Greg McGoon
Some Musings...
EXCERPT - "Passing judgment on Aurora is a reflection of personal expectations rather than the recognition of her experience. The film revolves around her, but does not belong to her."
EXCERPT - "Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora kept hope alive against all odds. To say these women waited for a prince to save them discounts the abuse and the literal curses that rendered them unable."
EXCERPT - "Applauding human decency as though it is an achievement spoils humanity — crafting the perfect sentiments — reactions — in order to 'raise awareness,' but instead merely an exclamation to elevate one’s own value. With the necessity of reactions, the focus is pulled in many directions. The minutia takes center stage. Virtual declarations are treated as a shortcut to absolve an individual from further action."